About Us
Welcome to Prithvi Group, the world’s first Lowest Pollution waste (Rubber, Plastics and Municipal waste) recycling & Pyrolysis Plant Technology. We are innovative manufacturer of Waste recycling Pyrolysis plant in India and London(UK).

We had set-up many innovative attachments in Tyre recycling plant in Nepal as well as in India. We believe in advance future Pyrolysis process technology and we apply the same concept in our machine. Since 2009 we are engaged into manufacturing of Pyrolysis Plant machines, equipments & its spare parts.
Billions of Rubber, plastic, and municipal wastage is available all over the world being a major burden for everyone. We can't bury in or land fill the Tyres as it will take hundreds of years for it to get dissolved in the land and also because of pollution problems. As compared to the developed countries, the Indian rubber market is huge and therefore the bad experiences of the pollution are also experienced the maximum over here.
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We separate all content from waste Tyres, Plastics and Municipal waste, make it completes renewable process which also fetches you a lot of money.

Pyrolysis Plant

Pyrolysis plant Equipments

Pre-casting Equipments

Environmental Consultancy